David Kalamas

Developing Employee Capital

Book DescriptionMake employees responsible for their own success Ready to take the next step in employee development? This innovative book provides guidelines for helping managers create work environments where employees can develop themselves,...

Wynn Wheldon

Porches (American Beauties)

Book Description This lovely book combines beautifully artistic color photographs with brief excerpts from the pens of famous American writers. A stately veranda of a Southern country home is captioned with a description of Deep South gentility...

David W. Menefee

Sarah Bernhardt in the Theatre of Films and Sound Recordings

Book DescriptionExhaustive research in every major archive of the world has created this compilation of information and images focusing on Bernhardt?s films and twenty early wax-cylinder and disc recordings. Detailed analyses of the motion...

James L. Harrison

Theory and Practice of Bookbinding

Originally published in 1961 for training apprentices at the United States Government Printing Office, this detailed textbook of bookbinding contains everything one needed to know for this craft, and includes for each of the 40 chapters...

C. A. Smythe

The Unfortunates

Imagine you worked at a company in which every other week, people you knew were dying. But not just dying: being gruesomely murdered. That is the watercooler topic of the month for workers at Showbiz Studios, once the legendary home to the Hollywood...

<<<  Вольфганг Амадей Моцарт. Сонаты для скрипки и фортепиано. ...             М. Т. Навроцкий. Опыт грамматики арабского языка >>>

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