Michael Nick, Kurt Koenig

ROI Selling : Increasing Revenue, Profit, and Customer Loyalty through the 360 Sales Cycle

ROI selling works within a company's existing sales methods to increase the effectiveness and production of their sales force. Current economic conditions are forcing everyone from large corporations to smaller privately held...

Юлий Буркин, Сергей Лукьяненко

Остров Русь

Иван-дурак - отважный юноша, прибывший из глухой провинции в Стольный град, дабы поступить на службу к Владимиру Красное Солнышко, обретает, не без приключений, грех верных друзей - трех богатырей... Василиса Прекрасная, супруга...

Pasewark and Pasewark

Microsoft Access 2000 Complete Tutorial

Covering beginning through advanced software features, this comprehensive book contains step-by-step instructions, screen illustrations, objectives, tips, notes, chapter summaries, end-of-chapter exercises, projects and SCANS correlations. ...

Maria Joao Rodrigues

European Policies for a Knowledge Economy

In 2000, the European Union adopted an overall strategy to effect transition to a knowledge economy. After coordinating the preparation of the Lisbon European Summit which launched this ten year strategy, Maria Joao Rodrigues provides a unique...

Dan H. Wolaver

Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design (Prentice Hall Advanced Reference Series)

This volume introduces phase-locked loop applications and circuit design. Drawing theory and practice together, the book emphasizes electronics design tools and circuits, using specific design examples, addresses the practical details that lead...

<<<  Cher Holton. Living at the Speed of Life : Staying in Control ...             П. Самородницкий. Опровержение будущего. Введение в телеологию человека >>>

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