Shigeo Shingo

Modern Approaches to Manufacturing Improvement: The Shingo System (Manufacturing & Production)

Here's the quickest and most inexpensive way to learn about the pioneering work of Shigeo Shingo, co-creator (with Taiichi Ohno) of Just-In-Time. It's an introductory book containing excerpts of five of his classic books as well as an excellent...

Lester C. Thurow

The Management Challenge: Japanese Views

What works for the Japanese? As our nation's balance of trade with Japan dips Eastward, American managers ask how Japan's economy has outperformed ours during the past 30 years. Some of the answers may be found in the original contributions in this...

Tom Lonergan

Taking No for an Answer: All You Need to Know About Sales and Life

Ninety percent of all sales people never bother to ask for the business. ThatA?s because most sales professionals are afraid of No. They fear questions, objections and rejections, and this kills more sales opportunities than any other...

А. А. Раздолгин, М. А. Фатеев

На румбах морской славы

На материалах Центрального военно-морского музея рассказано о наиболее интересных и важных событиях отечественного кораблестроения с момента основания военно-морского фота в России до данных дней. Прослежен самостоятельный путь развития русского...

Hellen Davis, Barbara Ann Sharon

Alignment the Ra Interface: The Ra2 Interface

Are you looking for organizational answers that meet today?s market demands and employee needs? Constant restructuring and reorganization are not the answers. Countless studies have proven that employees are less productive during...

<<<  Cyril Charney, Cy Charney. The Portable Mentor: Your Anywhere, ...             М. Т. Навроцкий. Опыт грамматики арабского языка >>>

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