Standards and Audits for Ethics Management Systems : The European Perspective (Studies in Economic Ethics and Philosophy)

Book DescriptionToday’s management is faced with the new task of implementing and dealing with standardised ethics management systems and values programs. It is a widely accepted fact that these have to be designed individually and firm...

Marilyn Sadler

P.J. Funnybunny's Bag of Tricks (Step into Reading)

Book DescriptionP. J. Funnybunny’s dad brings home a special present: a magic kit! P.J. studies all the tricks and does them just right. So why are his family and friends bored with his tricks? P.J. decides to show them the best trick of all ....

Kip Lornell

The NPR Curious Listener's Guide To American Folk Music

Book DescriptionBluegrass and Ballads. Chicken Scratch and Gospel. Polka and Powwows. Perhaps Mike Seeger summed it up best: when asked what genres come under the rubric of American Folk he said, "All the music that fits between the cracks." And all...

Ал. Алтаев


Биографическая повесть Ал. Алтаева, о русском композиторе Петре Ильиче Чайковском охватывает в основных этапах весь его жизненный путь....

Астрид Линдгрен

Рони, дочь разбойника

Единственный ребенок в разбойничьем замке и в разбойничьем лесу - Рони - дочь атамана Маттиаса, растет доброй и справедливой. Молния расколола разбойничий замок пополам, и предводители двух шаек начали враждовать между собой. Вот почему Рони...

<<<  С. Н. Тур, Т. П. Бокучава. Методическое пособие ...             М. Т. Навроцкий. Опыт грамматики арабского языка >>>

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