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Mark L. Chambers Digital Photos, Movies, & Music Gigabook For Dummies® (FOR DUMMIES (COMPUTER/TECH))
* Introducing the most complete digital media reference available-more than 900 pages of fun and easy instructions and tips on digital photography, digital video, digital music, and CD and DVD recording * At under $35, this value-priced book...
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Coma - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References
In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...
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Robin Works Davis Multimedia Storytimes
Introduce children to the captivating electronic resources in your library. "Multimedia Storytimes" describes how to develop creative, entertaining programs and activities by blending multimedia into your story hours. Features 40 complete...
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Wooi Ming Tan Developing USB PC Peripherals
A step-by-step guide to developing USB devices with USB v 1.1., this book provides easy-to-understand instructions for creating a USB device using the Intel 8x930Ax USB Microcontroller Evaluation Kit....
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Античная литература
Первая часть книги содержит материалы по истории греческой литературы, начиная с фольклора и включая эпоху эллинизма. Рассматривается творчество Гомера, Гесиода, Эсхила, Софокла, Еврипида, Аристофана, полно представлена лирика, проза V - IV вв. до...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Гороскопы
К. В. Ляшко. Очищение организма
Э. Райн. Раскрась свою жизнь
Чарлз Диккенс. Жизнь Дэвида Копперфилда, рассказанная им самим. Книга 2
Мой мир
Александр Серафимович, Леонид Соболев.
Владимир Набоков. Король, дама, валет (аудиокнига
Л. Е. Кисленко. Веселый калейдоскоп. Сборник школьных