Lewis M. Branscomb, James H. Keller

Investing in Innovation: Creating a Research and Innovation Policy That Works

"Professor Branscomb and his coauthors are to be complimented for well-crafted presentations of many points of view on a national innovation policy. Their book is an excellent contribution towards an improved national policy in this essential area."...

Nathalie G. Schwab Christe, Nils C. Soguel

Contingent Valuation, Transport Safety and the Value of Life (Studies in Risk and Uncertainty)

Over the past two decades, economic theory has extended its field of application to non-market goods such as environmental resources and health. Although it is impossible to assign a price to these goods on the basis of market mechanisms alone, the...

Leadership The Center For Army, Army Department of the

The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual

How the world's most dynamic organization prepares its leaders for battle, with valuable insights for today's business arena For mor than 50 years, The U.S. Army Leadership Field Manual has provided leadership training for...

Dennis Lines

Brief Counselling in Schools: Working With Young People from 11 to 18

Brief Counselling in Schools is a practical guide to providing help and support to young people experiencing a range of difficulties in their home and school lives. Recognizing the constraints of working within school...

Christopher D. Wickens, John Lee, Yili D. Liu, Sallie Gordon-Becker

Introduction to Human Factors Engineering (2nd Edition)

This book describes the capabilities and limitations of the human operator?both physical and mental?and how these should be used to guide the design of systems with which people interact. General principles of human-system interaction and...

<<<  Евгений Евтушенко. Евгений Евтушенко. Стихотворения ...             Джеймс Патрик Данливи. Самый сумрачный сезон Сэмюэля С >>>

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А. Н. Моргун, И. А. Кривель. Программирование на языке Лист Леди и Бродяга. Специальное издание. Мультэкранизация Angela B. Shiflet. Problem Solving in C++: Including Breadth and Laboratories, Русское радио Яндекс Роберт Слейтер. Принципы управления от легенды Справочник для начинающего автомобилиста. С помощью этого диска вы разберетесь Фото Работа
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