Entrepreneur Magazine

Entrepreneur Magazine Guide to Raising Money : Guide to Raising Money (Entrepreneur Magazine Series (Paper))

The "small business authority" shows new and would-be entrepreneurs how to find money to grow their businesses. The book describes the pros and cons of a wide variety of funding sources, including banks, SBA offices, venture capitalists, online...

Homer L. Davidson

Troubleshooting Consumer Electronic Audio Circuits

Everything from the basic amplifier of the small phono player to the high-powered auto receiver-amplifier is covered in this book. This book can provide critical electronic information for the homeowner, hobbyist, electronic student, and...

Tony Allan

The Middle East Water Question: Hydropolitics and the Global Economy

Is there enough water on this planet for a global population that will shortly double its present size? The answer is of great importance for people everywhere, but particularly to the peoples and political leaders of the Middle East and North...

Raimo Vayrynen, Canadian-U.S. Conference on Global Governance, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers

Globalization and Global Governance

The world is becoming more integrated and interdependent, heightening the need for new approaches to global governance. How can the international community collectively respond to pressing global problems? What kinds of institutions are needed, and...

Melvyn Dubofsky

Industrialism and the American Worker, 1865-1920 (American History Series (Harlan Davidison))

Like its predecessors, the Third Edition of this popular text considers the lives of ordinary working people and the problems they faced in the crucial period 1865-1920, while focusing on the impact of industrialization and workers' reactions to it....

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