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M Giordano, K Villholth The Agricultural Groundwater Revolution: Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture Volume 3 (Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture)
While addressing the issues of using groundwater in agriculture for irrigation in the developing world, this book discusses the problems associated with the degradation and overexploitation of using it. It explores the practiced and potential...
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Skilled Visions: Between Apprenticeship And Standards (Easa Series)
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Дарья Орлова Развивающие игры, упражнения, задачи для дошкольника
"С ребенком нужно постоянно играть, если вы хотите, чтобы он развивался!" - скажет вам любой психолог. Но как придумать такую игру, которая увлекла бы малыша не на пять минут, а надолго, пробудила бы в нем охоту к творчеству, желание научиться...
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The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Eighth Edition (Single-Volume Edition)
The classic survey of English literature in a vibrant new edition, with Stephen Greenblatt as general editor. A legendary bestseller for more than forty years, The Norton Anthology of English Literature is the classic survey to...
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Dennis Lehane Coronado: Stories
From Dennis Lehane, the award-winning author of Mystic River, Shutter Island, and the Kenzie-Gennaro series, comes a striking collection of five short stories and a play. A small southern town gives...
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