Kunal Basu

The Opium Clerk

Book DescriptionKunal Basu's panoramic first novel follows the life of a young man as he encounters the flow of the opium trade, from Calcutta to Canton. He gets a job in an 'auction house', only to discover that the 'merchandise' being traded is...

Tracy Daugherty

Five Shades of Shadow (River Teeth Literary Nonfiction Prize Series)

Book DescriptionWinner of the 2002 River Teeth Literary Nonfiction Prize When work took Tracy Daugherty from his family?s roots in Oklahoma to the unfamiliar landscape of Oregon, his move mirrored the western migrations of so many earlier...

George Eliot

The Mill on the Floss (Penguin Classics)

Book DescriptionNew chronology and updated further reading. Edited with an Introduction by A. S. Byatt....

М. В. Ломоносов

М. В. Ломоносов. Стихотворения

Ленинград, 1954. Советский писатель. Издательский переплет. Сохранность хорошая. Поэтическое наследие М.В.Ломоносова отличается необычайным разнообразием жанров: хвалебные оды и надписи, идиллии и послания, трагедии и поэмы, притчи,...

Martin M. Antony

10 Simple Solutions to Shyness: How to Overcome Shyness, Social Anxiety & Fear of Public Speaking (10 Simple Solutions)

Even though statisticians report that more than 37 million Americans suffer from diagnosable social phobia, common sense suggests that nearly all of us have, at one time or another, had clammy palms and knocking knees because of an intimidating,...

<<<  Eugene R Woolcott. Galaxy of Illusion             Джеймс Патрик Данливи. Самый сумрачный сезон Сэмюэля С >>>

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