Dimitri P. Bertsekas

Linear Network Optimization: Algorithms and Codes

Linear Network Optimization presents a thorough treatment of classical approaches to network problems such as shortest path, max-flow, assignment, transportation, and minimum cost flow problems....

Lynda Michaels

The Official Guide to New Home Buying

This is a book you will use as a tool to assist you in new home buying. You will learn that buying a new home is not as complex as it might appear. By having an understanding of the process of new home buying, your experience will be one of...

Roman Petelin, Yury Petelin

Adobe Audition: Soundtracks for Digital Video

A project-based book that deals with Adobe Audition (formerly Cool Edit Pro), included in the Adobe Video Collection, this guide explores creating soundtracks for digital video and demonstrates how to use the software to start recording, editing,...

Joe McGivern

Interrupt Driven PC System Design

Dedicated specifically to the PC interrupt processes, in this guide general interrupt service routines are contrasted with methods of improving the process, including an implied priority chain, an equal priority chain, and an IPC link rotation. Also...

Hongji Yang, Martin Ward

Successful Evolution of Software Systems

In today?s fast-changing, competitive environment, having an up-to-date information system (IS) is critical for all companies and institutions. Rather than creating a new system from scratch, reengineering is an economical way to develop an IS...

<<<  Александр Снисаренко. Третий пояс мудрости             James Tobin, P.M. Jackson. Policies for Prosperity: Essays ... >>>

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