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Martin Anthony, Peter L. Bartlett Neural Network Learning: Theoretical Foundations
This important work describes recent theoretical advances in the study of artificial neural networks. It explores probabilistic models of supervised learning problems, and addresses the key statistical and computational questions. Chapters survey...
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72 - dpi
72 dpi is our collection of revolutionary web designs in book form. The Internet's rapid development constantly demands new, ingenious web designs that bind the user to the website for as long as possible in order to provide him/her with contents...
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Elizabeth Hess Yib's Guide to Mooing: Getting the Most from Virtual Communities on the Internet
What is a MOO? Many first-time visitors think that a MOO is a kind of chat room - and they are partly right. A MOO is like a chat room in that many users log on at the same time and communicate with one another. People become friends, enemies,...
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Lorne L. Dawson, Douglas E. Cowan Religion Online: Finding Faith on the Internet
After sex, religion is one of the most popular and pervasive topics of interest online, with over three million Americans turning to the internet each day for religious information and spiritual guidance. Tens of thousands of elaborate websites are...
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Сергей Волконский Князь Сергей Волконский. Воспоминания (комплект из 2 книг)
Князь Сергей Михайлович Волконский (1860-1937) - внук декабриста С.Г.Волконского и начальника III Отделения А.Х.Бенкендорфа, камергер и директор Императорских театров, историк культуры, критик, создатель актерской школы, эмигрант с 1921 года,...
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Osteomalacia - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and
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Stepahnie Charitonenko, S. M. Rahman, Asian Development Bank. Commercialization
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