Гань Бао

Записки о поисках духов

Книга знаменитого литератора Гань Бао "Записки о поисках духов" - один из древнейших и наиболее известных памятников китайской литературы, повествующий о том, "о чем не говорил Конфуций", - о разнообразнейшей нечисти: об удивительных существах, о...

Dan M. Guy, D. R. Carmichael, O. Ray Whittington

Audit Sampling: An Introduction to Statistical Sampling in Auditing, 5th Edition

Emphasizing the use of sampling in the audit of financial statements by external as well as internal auditors, this book presents technical sampling material within the context of the auditing risk model....

Samuel Crowther

Why Men Strike

1920. Contents: where wages go and why; what are men striking against; more popular misconceptions of capital; rivets of society; the man who has the money; why the worker does not invest; essentials of an investment plan for wage earners;...

Jukka Kilpi

Ethics of Bankruptcy (Professional Ethics)

Have bankrupts committed a mortal wrongdoing? The fundamental ethical problem in bankruptcy is that insolvents have promised to pay their debts but can not keep their promise. The Ethics of Bankruptcy examines the morality of bankruptcy. The...

James C. Humes

Speak Like Churchill, Stand Like Lincoln: 21 Powerful Secrets of History's Greatest Speakers

Turn Any Presentation into a Landmark Occasion Ever wish you could captivate your boardroom with the opening line of your presentation, like Winston Churchill in his most memorable speeches? Or want to command attention by looming larger...

<<<  С. С. Акимов, А. Х. Ахмалишева, А. В. Хренов. Биология ...             Е. Г. Родчанин. Философия для технических вузов >>>

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