David Elderbrock, David Karlins

FrontPage 2002 Bible

Learn the tips, tricks and lessons that Web design professionals know, without the years of experience or formal training. Find out how to use FrontPage with other applications such as Flash and Dreamweaver.Protect your site and your customers by...

Patrick Killelea

Web Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition (O'Reilly Internet)

Web Performance Tuning, 2nd Edition is about getting the best possible performance from the Web. This book hits the ground running, giving concrete advice for quick results - the "blunt instruments" for improving crippled performance right...

Andrew Dillon

Designing Usable Electronic Text: Ergonomic Aspects of Human Information Usage

Poor design and a failure to consider the user often act against the effectiveness in online communication. Designing Usable Electronic Text, Second Edition explores the human issues that underlie information usage and stresses that usability is...

George Lindfield, John Penny

Numerical Methods Using MATLAB (2nd Edition)

Covering all the major aspects of numerical methods, this book includes many examples and problems with solutions in MATLAB. KEY TOPICS: Illustrates all the graphics facilities of MATLAB. Provides advanced case studies...

Cynthia L. Baron, Cynthia Baron, Robin Williams

Windows for Mac Users

If you're a die-hard Mac user who needs to work with Windows, you know that Microsoft's operating system is just different enough from your familiar Mac OS to make the transition less than seamless. Don't waste time fumbling around on your...

<<<  David J. Cichelli. Compensating the Sales Force: A Practical ...             Е. Г. Родчанин. Философия для технических вузов >>>

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