Dan Woods

Enterprise Services Architecture (O'Reilly Field Guide to Enterprise Software)

Book Description Enterprise Services Architecture outlines a disciplined and structured approach to understanding how today's enterprise applications will make use of web services. This book, aimed at senior management and IT professionals,...

Gaby Naher

Journey To Tibet's Lost Lama: A Woman's Pilgrimage, The Karmapa In Exile, And The Fate Of Modern Tibet

Book DescriptionThe once-in-a-lifetime experience of personally meeting with the Dalai Lama changed author Gaby Naher's life and started her on a personal pilgrimage to meet Tibet's second most renowned lama, the 17th Karmapa. In Journey to...

David Brizer

Quitting Smoking for Dummies

Book DescriptionThe decision to quit smoking is far from a casual one. Quitting smoking involves your complete commitment; it must become your number-one priority. Mustering all the support you can get, you need to decide to turn up the flame on...

Roy Macgregor

Attack on the Tower of London (#19)

Book DescriptionThe Screech Owls have won a contest that takes them to London, England, for a once-in-a-lifetime chance to play in-line hockey at historic Wembley Stadium. They leave the morning after Hallowe’en and arrive in time to celebrate...

Джесс Либерти, Дэвид Б. Хорват

Освой самостоятельно C++ за 24 часа (+ CD)

Эта книга поможет самостоятельно изучить язык C++, его принципы и концепции. Здесь изложены фундаментальные основы программирования, описаны принципы управления вводом-выводом, циклы, массивы, объектно-ориентированные подходы, а также создание...

<<<  Складские здания. СНиП 31-04-2001. Разработаны Центральным научно-исследовательским ...             А. Л. Чекин. Математика. 4 класс. В 2 частях. Часть 2 >>>

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