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Paul D. Kimmel, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso Principles of Accounting, (Chapters 1-14)
This book starts with a macro view of accounting information by presenting real financial statements. The authors establish how financial statements communicate the financing, operation, and investing activities of a business. To integrate the use...
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John M. Antle, Daniel A. Sumner Papers in Honor of D. Gale Johnson (Economics of Agriculture, Vol 2)
D. Gale Johnson, one of the world's foremost agricultural economists, has over the last five decades changed the conduct of research on agricultural economics and policy. The papers brought together in The Economics of Agriculture reveal...
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Changing the Way We Work
How many problems at work arise from the way in which jobs are set up? Either people don't have a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities, spending time and energy disentangling them from those of their co-workers or they are...
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James Ogilvy, Peter Schwartz, Peter Schwartz, Joe Flower China's Futures
As it emerges from centuries of social, military, and political strife, China--which represents one fifth of the world's population and its third largest economy--is poised to play a major role in global business. But what will that role be? In this...
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M.G. Dagenais, P.-A. Muet International Trade Modelling
In recent years, international trade has become a subject of increaed practical importance and also one of the most intellectually exciting parts of economics. In his introduction to this volume, Paul Krugman outlines why this is so, by analysing...
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А. Дейнека. Учитесь рисовать