International Baltic Conference on Databases and Information Systems 2, Hele-Mai Haav, Ahto Kalja

Databases and Information Systems II: Fifth International Baltic Conference, Baltic Dbis &Is'2002 Tallinn, Estonia, June 3-6, 2002 : Selected Papers

The rapid growth of the Internet has dramatically changed the capabilities of information systems (IS) and the role of database management. They have become vital components of successful inter-networked enterprises and organizations. This volume...

Neil Friedman

Ask Dr. Neil: Love, Sex, and Relationship Advice from the Internet

The best of the first 1,000 Qs and As from Ask Dr.Introductions and answers on Sex, Communication, Endings, Affairs, Internet-related Questions, Young Peoples' Questions, Focusing, Ordeals and Paradoxes. Four love songs....

Gary R. Bunt

Virtually Islamic: Computer-Mediated Communication and Cyber Islamic Environments

This is the first broad-ranging academic survey to explore how Islam and the internet combine and interact. Information technology is now making a global impact on how Muslims approach and interpret Islam. Given its utilization as a primary source...

Chris Nagy

Embedded Systems Design Using the TI MSP430 Series (Embedded Technology)

Learn about designing, programming, and developing with the popular new Texas Instruments family of microcontrollers, the MSP430 series with this new book from Chris Nagy. This product line is experiencing explosive growth due to its low-power...

Дмитрий Вересов

Полет Ворона

Перед вами вторая книга из поистине народного сериала "Черный ворон", полюбившегося миллионам читателей и телезрителей. Таня Захаржевская решает попробовать на собственном опыте, что же такое добропорядочная семейная жизнь, и выходит замуж за...

<<<  Herb Sutter. More Exceptional C++             А. Л. Чекин. Математика. 4 класс. В 2 частях. Часть 2 >>>

Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.

Рефераты Norman Shawchuck, Philip Kotler. Marketing for Congregations: Choosing Йохен фон Ланг. Протоколы Эйхмана. Записи Народ.ру Все о Линукс Компьютерные новости Марийка Луговик. Волчонок, который заплыл далеко в Работа Mitch Schneider. Safety Communications Счетчик Х. Астамирова, М. Ахманов. Настольная книга диабетика Фото
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