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Kerry E. Howell Europeanization, European Integration and Financial Services : Developing Theoretical Frameworks and Synthesising Methodological
Book Description This book deals with the political philosophy that underpins theories of European integration and develops an understanding of Europeanization based on downloading and up-loading. Downloading is the means by which EU policy is...
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Edwin Mansfield Managerial Economics, Sixth Edition
Book DescriptionThrough five editions, Managerial Economics has been among the leading texts in the field. Maintaining its hallmark clarity, abundant use of real-world examples and cases, and strong coverage of international issues and...
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Giampiero E.G. Beroggi Designing and Evaluating E-Management Decision Tools : The Integration of Decision and Negotiation Models into Internet-Multimedia Technologies (Integrated Series in Information Systems)
Book DescriptionDesigning and Evaluating E-Managemnet Decision Tools presents the most relevant concepts for designing intelligent decision tools in an Internet-based multimedia environment and assessing the tools using concepts of...
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Don Debelak Perfect Phrases for Business Proposals and Business Plans (Perfect Phrases)
Book Description Whether it’s writing a proposal, motivating employees, or reaching out to customers, the Perfect Phrases series has the tools you need for precise, effective communication. Distilling complex ideas into specific phrases that...
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Мир ребенка. Популярный справочник 2005
Второе издание справочника, уточненное и дополненное. Разнообразная информация о государственных учреждениях, общественных организациях и коммерческих структурах, профессионально занимающихся образованием, охраной здоровья, культурным и физическим...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Мегафон
Мой мир
А. А. Казимагомедов, А. А. Гаджиев. Деньги. Кредит. Банки
Philip K. Dick. A Scanner Darkly
Каччари М.. Геофилософия Европы
Ann Sawyer, K. T. Bright. The Access Manual Auditing and Managing
П. Л, Землянский. Руководство по правовой защите судовладельца
Мой мир
Joshua Bloch, Neal Gafter. Java(TM) Puzzlers: Traps, Pitfalls,
Bernard Roy, Eric Jacquet-Lagreze, Patrice Perny, Roman
Greg Anders, EmmaJo Spiegelberg, Sally J Nelson. Microcomputer