Jack T. Marchewka

Information Technology Project Management

Book DescriptionThe real measure of success for an information technology (IT) project is the value the organization receives when the system is finally implemented. In his innovative book, Marchewka focuses on how to create measurable...

Richard M. S. Wilson

Strategic Marketing Management, Third Edition : planning, implementation and control

Book DescriptionThis third edition of Strategic Marketing Management confirms it as the classic textbook on the subject. Its step- by- step approach provides comprehensive coverage of the five key strategic stages: * Where are we now?...

Martin Gray

Jackson Pollock: Memories Arrested in Space

Book Description This epic biographical poem chronicles the life of the dynamic and controversial American painter Jackson Pollock. The magnificent narrative chronicles Pollock's reckless, adventurous, and often desperate life, from his...

Joseph Beuys

What Is Art?: Conversations With Joseph Beuys

Book Description"I know that from him [Rudolf Steiner] a mission was given to me to gradually remove people?s alienation and mistrust toward the supersensible through my means. In political thinking?the field I have to be working on...

John Christopher Garrison

The New Income Tax Scandal: How Congress Hijacked the Sixteenth Amendment

Book DescriptionIn 1884, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the property nature of labor declaring that "the property which every man has in his own labor, as it is the original foundation of all other property, so it is the most sacred and...

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