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Вл. И. Немирович-Данченко Вл. И. Немирович-Данченко. Избранные письма. В двух томах. Том 2
Во второй том избранных писем Вл. И. Немировича-Данченко входят письма 1910-1943 гг. к артистам Художественного театра...
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Татьяна Геронимус Я все умею делать сам. 2 класс. Рабочая тетрадь по трудовому обучению
Учебный комплект "Я все умею делать сам" включает учебник "Маленький мастер" и рабочую тетрадь, рекомендованную Министерством образования Российской Федерации....
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Robert W. Ingram, Thomas Albright, Bruce A. Baldwin Financial Accounting: Information for Decisions
This text is written for a one semester course in introductory accounting, generally titled "Financial Accounting," and is written for students who have no prior knowledge of accounting and accounting systems. This text is appropriate for the course...
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Lawrance George Lux Forms of Taxation
This is a basic examination of basic tax systems, for both Layperson and Student. It describes the various forms of tax, both historical and theoretical. It examines each in turn, bringing insight to its advantages and hazards. The Author gives a...
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Frank W. Taussig Wages and Capital: An Examination of the Wages Fund Doctrine
An American follower of Alfred Marshall, Frank W. Taussig's prime position at Harvard and his famous 1911 textbook and his control of the Quarterly Journal of Economics helped spread the doctrines of Cambridge Neoclassicism in the United States. ...
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