Dynamic Stochastic Optimization (Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems)

Book DescriptionThis volume considers optimal stochastic decision processes from the viewpoint of stochastic programming. It focuses on theoretical properties and on approximate or numerical solution techniques for time-dependent optimization...

The Editors of the Classicist

A Decade of Art and Architecture: 1992-2002

Book DescriptionA survey of recent work by 100 architects, artists, and artisans celebrating the tenth anniversary of The Institute of Classical Architecture (ICA). For the last ten years the ICA has taught classical architecture and design to a...

Juan Antonio Ramirez

Architecture for the Screen: A Critical Study of Set Design in Hollywood's Golden Age

Book DescriptionIt is unlikely that you have ever found yourself trapped inside a burning skyscraper or entombed within an Egyptian pyramid. Nonetheless, you probably have some idea of these and many other places because of their portrayal on...

T. J. Freeman

Has Your House Got Cracks?: Second Edition: A Homeowner's Guide to Subsidence and Heave Damage

Book DescriptionThis guide provides practical guidance for homeowners whose properties have been affected by subsidence, or heave, or who are concerned by the potential risk of damage. The first, best-selling, edition dealt specifically with the...

Forever Shores

Book DescriptionA variety of themes is explored in this anthology of the best contemporary Australian fantasy writing. From Isobelle Carmody's tragic romantic style and Terry Dowling's complex and technical world to Damien Broderick's vision of...

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THE CHRISTIANS. HAPPY IN HELL. Исполнитель: THE CHRISTIANS Альбом: HAPPY Светлана Клипп. "Use Your Brains". Шевели мозгами! Попов М.А.. Домашняя работа по немецкому языку за 6 класс: К учебнику Фото Рейтинг Чат Ibp USA. Afghanistan Investment and Business Guide В. А. Цыбуля. Консервирование дома и на даче Е. Н. Спивак. Звуки Ш, Ж, Ч, Щ. Речевой материал Агент майл.ру Рейтинг А. З. Сирис. Теоретические основы геометрической Российская газета Лист Роб Кидд. Пираты Карибского моря. Приключения Джека Воробья. Шпага Кортеса Борис Пастернак. Люди и положения Вики
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