Daniel Harris

Cute, Quaint, Hungry and Romantic: The Aesthetics of Consumerism

First time in paperback: "An exhilarating collection by a brilliant writer...a penetrating observer of things so familiar that they're in danger of not being noticed."-Steven Millhauser. Call it an encyclopedia of low-brow aesthetics. In Cute,...

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Buying a Home in Greece & Cyprus

Fully revised and updated 2nd edition and the best-selling book about buying property in Greece & Cyprus since it was first published in 2000. Essential reading for anyone planning to buy a home in Greece or Cyprus and the most comprehensive and...

Большая энциклопедия. Мать и дитя

В книге, рассчитанной на будущих мам и пап, в простой и доступной форме рассказывается о самых важных периодах материнства: беременности, рождении, питании и развитии младенцев. В доступной форме даются исчерпывающие ответы на любые вопросы, а также...

Wil Wheaton, Ben, III Claassen

Dancing Barefoot: Five Short But True Stories About Life In the So-Called Space Age

Wil Wheaton--blogger, geek, and Star Trek: The Next Generation's Wesley Crusher--gives us five short-but-true tales of life in the so-called Space Age in Dancing Barefoot. With a true geek's unflinching honesty, Wil examines life, love, the web,...

Debbie Walkowski

Visio 2000 for Dummies

If you're in the business -- or habit -- of organizing information into flowcharts, tables, and graphs, you're probably familiar with how Visio can make your life infinitely more hassle-free than with other popular graphics software. Visio...

<<<  Александр Матюхин. Циклопедия             Л. Г. Петерсон, Э. Р. Барзунова, А. А. Невретдинова. ... >>>

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