Ар. А. Улунян

Ошибка полковника Пападопулоса

В монографии рассматриваются внутриполитические, экономические, внешнеполитические и оборонные аспекты развития установленного 21 апреля 1967 года в Греции военно-политического режима. На основе широкого круга источников определяются основные...

D. Nelson

The Political Economy of Policy Reform, Volume 270 : Essays in Honor of J. Michael Finger (Contributions to Economic Analysis)

Book DescriptionThis volume collects the papers from a conference in honor of J. Michael Finger on the occasion of his retirement from the World Bank. The papers cover a number of important issues in the analysis of policy reform and the political...

Joseph I. Rosenbaum

Outsourcing Agreements Line by Line: A Detailed Look at Outsourcing Agreements & How to Change Them to Fit Your Needs

Book DescriptionOutsourcing Agreements Line by Line is a roadmap to help lawyers and management navigate the complex contours of outsourcing agreements and the relationships the contracts represent. With both narrative explanation and contractual...

Kamel Rekab

Statistical Design Of Experiments With Engineering Applications (Statistics: Textbooks and Monographs)

Book Description-------------------Description-------------------- In today's high-technology world, with flourishing e-business and intense competition at a global level, the search for the competitive advantage has become a crucial task of...

Peter Humfrey


Carpaccio was the greatest early Renaissance narrative painter of the Venetian school - and this illuminating study by Peter Humfrey ably demonstrates the truth of this statement. Little is known of Vittore Carpaccio's early life, only that he was...

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