Berthold U. Wigger

Public Pensions and Economic Growth

This book studies the normative and positive ramifications of public pension policies in a growing economy. It analyzes the impact of an unfunded public pension scheme on aggregate productivity growth and efficiency, it considers the political...

Phyllis Mindell

Power Reading

Business people estimate they spend 40% of their work time reading. Businesses spend trillions of dollars a year on employee reading, yet they don't measure how efficiently that reading is done. This book will NOT show you how to speed read,...

Ken Doughty

Business Continuity Planning: Protecting Your Organization's Life

From fires, floods, and power outages to hackers and software problems, companies need to protect against a variety of threats. Business Continuity Planning takes a best practices approach to provide a comprehensive continuity solution. It details...

Jeff Papows, Laura Freijo

Medidas 15x22x2cm; Ttulo original Traduccin:Laura Feijo...

Robert Hargrove, Harvard Leadership Project

Masterful Coaching Feedback Tool: Grow Your Business, Multiply Your Profits, Win the Talent War! (Self Instrument)

Become a masterful coach within your organization! Based on Robert Hargrove's five-step transformational coaching model—that has been field-tested by thousands of managers throughout the world—Masterful Coaching Feedback Tool will...

<<<  Алла Драбкина. Жена по заказу             Robert Irving Warshow. Jay Gould or The Story of a ... >>>

Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.

Rees C. Johnson. Wills & Estate Planning: Oregon Handbook ЖЖ Питер Харрис. Тайна Вивальди Мой мир Matthew J. Curland. Advanced Visual Basic 6 : Power Techniques КМ И. Я. Павловский. Немецко-русский словарь Программы Работа Shrek 2: Opposites (With Molded Face Cover). Book Description Ajit K. Ghose, Ajit Kumar Ghose. Jobs and Incomes in Яндекс Mark R. Miller. Carpentry & Construction Элвин и бурундуки. Жизнь композитора была одной Коллектив авторов. Казус. Индивидуальное и уникальное в истории
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