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Berthold U. Wigger Public Pensions and Economic Growth
This book studies the normative and positive ramifications of public pension policies in a growing economy. It analyzes the impact of an unfunded public pension scheme on aggregate productivity growth and efficiency, it considers the political...
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Phyllis Mindell Power Reading
Business people estimate they spend 40% of their work time reading. Businesses spend trillions of dollars a year on employee reading, yet they don't measure how efficiently that reading is done. This book will NOT show you how to speed read,...
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Ken Doughty Business Continuity Planning: Protecting Your Organization's Life
From fires, floods, and power outages to hackers and software problems, companies need to protect against a variety of threats. Business Continuity Planning takes a best practices approach to provide a comprehensive continuity solution. It details...
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Jeff Papows, Laura Freijo Enterprise.com
Medidas 15x22x2cm; Ttulo original Enterprise.com Traduccin:Laura Feijo...
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Robert Hargrove, Harvard Leadership Project Masterful Coaching Feedback Tool: Grow Your Business, Multiply Your Profits, Win the Talent War! (Self Instrument)
Become a masterful coach within your organization! Based on Robert Hargrove's five-step transformational coaching model—that has been field-tested by thousands of managers throughout the world—Masterful Coaching Feedback Tool will...
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Домой Rees C. Johnson. Wills & Estate Planning: Oregon Handbook
Питер Харрис. Тайна Вивальди
Мой мир
Matthew J. Curland. Advanced Visual Basic 6 : Power Techniques
И. Я. Павловский. Немецко-русский словарь
Shrek 2: Opposites (With Molded Face Cover). Book Description
Ajit K. Ghose, Ajit Kumar Ghose. Jobs and Incomes in
Mark R. Miller. Carpentry & Construction
Элвин и бурундуки. Жизнь композитора была одной
Коллектив авторов. Казус. Индивидуальное и уникальное в истории