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Dick and Jane: I See You : Dick and Jane (Read With Dick and Jane)
Book DescriptionMillions of Americans remember Dick and Jane (and Sally and Spot, too)! Now Dick and Jane and all their pals are back for a whole new generation! Jane and Sally are hiding from Dick. Will Dick be able to find them? ...
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Laura Jackson Daniel Day-lewis: The Biography
Book DescriptionA look at the life and work of Daniel Day-Lewis, one of this generation's most complex and brilliant actors....
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Gae Rusk Monsoon Madness
Book DescriptionIn 1978, modern life has yet to reach Nepal, where Cecily Havenshack lives a palatial life with her U.S. diplomat husband. From years of wandering the old bazaar, Cecily has become immersed in Kathmandu?s sensory excesses and...
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Chris Chester Providence of a Sparrow : Lessons from a Life Gone to the Birds
Book Description“There’s a special providence in the fall of a sparrow.” --William Shakespeare, Hamlet B fell twenty-five feet from his nest into the life of Chris Chester. The encounter was providential for...
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N. L. Sharp The Ring Bear
Book DescriptionRobert loves bears. So he isn't surprised when his mom tells him he is going to be the ring bear in his aunt Jane's wedding. Unfortunately, his idea of what a ring bear is and his family's idea is not quite the same!...
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