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Jeffry R., Ph.D. Haber Accounting Demystified
For new students of accounting, entry-level accounting professionals, and business professionals whose own work relates directly to the numbers on the ledger, a basic understanding of core accounting functions and documents is critical. ...
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Marge Christensen Gould Developing Literacy & Workplace Skills: Teaching for 21st Century Employment
This research-based resource has been updated with new information on technology resources for the classroom, preparation for high-stakes testing, and more. It also includes a CD-ROM with reproducible handouts. The flexible, six-semester curriculum...
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Judith E Fisher The Phone Book: Telephone Skills for Business Success Student Text
The Phone Book takes a hands-on, interactive approach to helping students refine and practice their telephone skills. All phone skills are covered in detail, including listening, question-ing, speaking, handling incoming and outgoing calls, customer...
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Ceel Pasternak Cool Careers for Girls in Travel and Hospitality
This book profiles 10 women in successful travel and hospitality careers. Each woman shares her stories about how she got started and what it takes to make it as a woman in their career field....
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Rabel J. Burdge A Community Guide to Social Impact Assessment
The Guide is a tool for practitioners at all levels ?social scientists, agency employees, community leaders, volunteers?to complete social impact assessments (SIA?s) efficiently and effectively. The Guide is a how-to manual that...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Компьютерные новости
А. А. Вигасин, Г. И. Годер, Г. А. Ртищева. История средних веков.
А. Зубов, М. Шахов. Компьютер. Widows. Программы (+ CD-ROM)
С. Бронин. История моей матери
Российская газета
The Oxford Dictionary of Classical Myth and Religion (Oxford
Сюжеты, №11. Сборник театральных пьес.