The Dynamics of Company Profits

Book DescriptionDo company profits eventually converge on a common, competitive level? How long does the convergence process take? This book seeks to answer these questions through a comparison of company profitability using time series data...

Klaus H. Ludtke

Process Centrifugal Compressors : Basics, Function, Operation, Design, Application

Book DescriptionThis book provides a comprehensive look at industrial compressors. Readers can find a great deal of information based on long industrial experience, on a clear and well-founded approach to real-gas handling, and on solutions to many...

Margot Fonteyn

Book Description Margot Fonteyn is The Royal Ballet's legendary prima ballerina assoluta and the company's first "homegrown" ballerina. Frederick Ashton's first muse, her lyrical style and innate grace were illuminated in the many ballets he...

Francis Crosby

IMAGES OF WAR - D-DAY : Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives (D-Day)

Book DescriptionThis is a spectacular photographic record of the D-Day invasion that captures many different aspects of the air, sea and military campaign. A great majority of photographs are unlikely to have been seen by the general public and they...

Laurell K. Hamilton

Incubus Dreams (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter) [AUDIOBOOK] [CD]

Amazon.comAs Incubus Dreams opens, Anita Blake may be America's most powerful vampire hunter and necromancer. So it's no surprise that the Regional Preternatural Crime Investigation Team seeks her assistance when a St. Louis stripper is...

<<<  Александр Аксенов. Энциклопедия здорового питания. ...             Andrey A. Voevodin, Dmitry V. Shtansky, Evgeny A. Levashov, John J. Moore. ... >>>

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