Robert R. Prechter

Conquer the Crash: You Can Survive and Prosper in a Deflationary Depression, Expanded and Updated Edition

WILL deflation and depression really happen? WHAT causes deflation and depression? CAN the Fed prevent deflation? WHERE can you find the few exceptionally sound banks, insurers, gold dealers and other essential service...

David Maddison

The Amenity Value of the Global Climate

This book develops and applies a far-reaching account of the economic value of climate, derived from its 'amenity value', or, the benefits which a particular climate provides to the people of that region or country. As climate change moves higher on...

John Elting Treat

Energy Futures: Trading Opportunities

This 3rd edition of its popular predecessors includes all new chapters on the oil futures, natural gas and electric markets as well as a chapter on market fundamentals with details on management of supply and trading groups....

David L. Woodruff

Advances in Computational and Stochastic Optimization, Logic Programming, and Heuristic Search: Interfaces in Computer Science and Operations Research (Operations Research/Computer Science Interfaces Series, Orcs 09)

Computer Science and Operations Research continue to have a synergistic relationship and this book -- as a part of theOperations Research and Computer Science Interface Series -- sits squarely in the center of the confluence of these two technical...

Mike Cravitz

ILE by Example

This new book takes a fresh approach to Integrated Language Environment (ILE). Learn the fundamentals of the AS/400?s ILE by following working examples that illustrate the ins and outs of this powerful programming model. NEWS/400 Technical...

<<<  John A. Tracy. The Fast Forward MBA in Finance             Andrey A. Voevodin, Dmitry V. Shtansky, Evgeny A. Levashov, John J. Moore. ... >>>

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