Hieromonk Damascene

Father Seraphim Rose: His Life and Works

Book DescriptionThis epic biography of Hieromonk Seraphim Rose tells the unique story of a man who, having grown up in a typical American home in southern California, became one of the greatest teachers of Orthodox Christianity in our times, loved...

Classification, Clustering, and Data Mining Applications : Proceedings of the Meeting of the International Federation of Classification Societies (IFCS), ... Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)

Book DescriptionModern data analysis stands at the interface of statistics, computer science, and discrete mathematics. This volume describes new methods in this area, with special emphasis on classification and cluster analysis. Those methods are...

Amy Young

Belinda, the Ballerina

Book DescriptionOnce there was a ballerina named Belinda. Belinda loved to dance. She went to ballet school every day and practiced very hard. But Belinda had a big problem. Actually, Belinda had two big problems: her left foot and her right foot....

John Henry Poncio

Girocho: A Gi's Story of Bataan and Beyond

Book DescriptionAfter surviving the brutal Bataan Death March in Spring 1942, Louisiana native John Henry Poncio spent the remainder of World War II as a Japanese prisoner. In those three and a half years, U.S. Army Air Corps sergeant Poncio...

Лев Овалов

Лев Овалов. Собрание сочинений в трех томах. Том 1

В первый том Собрания сочинений известного советского писателя входят повести, написанные в 30-60-е годы: "Болтовня", "История одной судьбы", "Помни обо мне". ...

<<<  Jonathan Sutherland. Key Concepts in Operations ...             Andrey A. Voevodin, Dmitry V. Shtansky, Evgeny A. Levashov, John J. Moore. ... >>>

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Гогле Yasuki Nakayama, Yoshimichi Tanida, Visualization Николай Андреев. Лучшие из мертвых Д. Шерих. Были и небылицы Невского проспекта Почта.ру ДМОЗ Мой мир Знакомства В. Коновалов. Совсем другая медицина Автомобильный портал Джонатан Страуд. Последняя осада Eliyahu M. Goldratt, Jeff Cox. The Goal Трансморферы. Эми Вебер ("Космический спецназ"), Элиза Свенсон ("Легенда Ответы Фото Футбол Steve Best. Linux(R) Debugging and Performance Tuning: Tips and Techniques Ответы Топ Единый тарифно-квалификационный справочник работ и профессий рабочих. Выпуск Вой IV. Роми Уолтолл ("Без лица"), Майкл Т. Вайсс ("Шоссе"),
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