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Judith Rappold Starting Your Mystery Shopping Business
This 271 page manual contains all the information, strategies, and materials needed to start a mystery shopping business in your community. It addresses marketing, selecting and preparing contract shoppers, organizing work, evaluating shoppers'...
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Джинн Калогридис Я, Мона Лиза
Еще в детстве Лизе ди Антонио Герардини была предначертана непростая судьба. Астролог предсказал, что она будет вовлечена в водоворот насилия, интриг и обмана. Пророчество сбылось. После убийства Джулиано де Медичи, брата правителя Флоренции...
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Gambero Rosso Italian Wines 2007...
Полное название книги: Italian Wines 2007: A Guide to the World of Italian Wine for Experts and Wine Lovers (Italian Wines) The tenth English-language edition of Italian Wines, published by Gambero Rosso and...
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Хорхордина Т.И.
"Неизвестный" И.Л. Маяковский (1878-1954)...
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David Apgar Risk Intelligence: Learning to Manage What We Don't Know
Risk Intelligence gives executives and business managers a simple mental model and simple tools to manage these risks. According to the author's model, risks fall into two categories: knowable and therefore learnable, and unknowable and therefore...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
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Николай Платошкин. Жаркое лето 1953 года в Германии
Henrik Ibsen. The Works Of Henrik Ibsen
Monetary Policy and Macroeconomic Stabilization in Latin America.
Александра Крапивина. Питание и очищение по методу Семеновой
Stephen E. Frank. Networth: Successful Investing in the Companies That Will