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Gary Craig, Peter Jakab Introduction to Web Application Development with IBM WebSphere Studio, An: IBM Certified Associate Developer (IBM Certification Study Guides)
This study guide is designed specifically for professionals who are preparing for test 285-IBM's world-class certification program for programmers seeking to learn IBM WebSphere Studio application development. Programmers are guided through the...
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Scott Hutchinson, Larry Daniel Inside ArcView GIS 8.3
Inside ArcView GIS 8.3 functions as a detailed description of the software's functionality and as a comprehensive, self-paced tutorial. An essential how-to manual for the novice and indispensable desk-side reference for the experienced user, this...
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Rebecca Bridges Altman, Rick Altman, Rebecca Altman Microsoft PowerPoint 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Whether you love it or hate it, Microsoft PowerPoint—the application most professionals turn to for creating easy and polished presentations—is here to stay. And the new version of PowerPoint boasts improved collaboration and data...
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Granino Arthur Korn, Ranino A. Korn Numerical Insights into Dynamic Systems: Interactive Dynamic System Simulation with Microsoft Windows 95 and NT (Numerical Insights)
A hands-on tutorial, covering interactive simulation of dynamical systems such as aerospace vehicles, power plants, chemical processes, control systems, and physiological systems. In practice, simulation experiments are employed for iterative...
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Marcelo Perazolo Negocios en Internet: Retomando el Rumbo
Esta obra puede ser considerada, por muchas causas, una verdadera bisagra en su tematica....
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К. В.Тихомиров, Э. С. Сергеенко. Теплотехника, теплогазоснабжение