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Adriaan M. Bloem, Robert J. Dippelsman, Nils O. Maehle Quarterly National Accounts Manual: Concepts, Data Sources, and Compilation
This Manual provides guidance to compilers of national accounts on the concepts, data sources and compilation methods required for development of a system of quarterly national accounts. More and more countries are recognizing that quarterly...
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Jeff Gee, Val Gee The Customer Service Training Tool Kit : 60 Training Activities for Customer Service Trainers
The Customer Service Training Tool Kit contains 40 activities designed to make customer service training more fun, engaging, and behavior-changing for customer service reps. Trainers can use group activities, role plays, questionnaires, and other...
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Badi H. Baltagi A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics (Blackwell Companions to Contemporary Economics)
A Companion to Theoretical Econometrics provides a comprehensive reference to the basics of econometrics. It focuses on the foundations of the field and at the same time integrates popular topics often encountered by practitioners. The...
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Юрий Левинг Вокзал - Гараж - Ангар: Владимир Набоков и поэтика русского урбанизма
Некоторые мотивы индивидуальной мифологии В.В.Набокова рассматриваются в широком контексте поэтики урбанизма. Речь идет о взаимодействии технологических новшеств с художественной культурой и о влиянии этого процесса на литературный текст. В книге...
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Jeremy J Foster Data Analysis Using SPSS for Windows Versions 8 - 10 : A Beginner's Guide
A new edition of this best-selling introductory book to cover the latest SPSS versions 8.0 - 10.0 This book is designed to teach beginners how to use SPSS for...
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Борис Цыганков. Котик, который гулял сам по себе
Камилла Мортон. Как ходить на высоких каблуках
George, Ph.D. Weinberg. Why Men Won't Commit: Getting
М. А. Булгаков. Белая гвардия. Мастер и
Vincent M. O'Reilly, Patrick J. McDonnell,