Dave Harker

Tressell : The Real Story of 'The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists'

Book Description The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell, one of the most important socialist novels of the 20th century, explains the key points of Marxist theory. Reprinted in many languages and countries, the novel was...

Fredrik Soderbaum

The Political Economy of Regionalism : The Case of Southern Africa (International Political Economy)

Book Description This work challenges prevailing wisdom, showing how ruling political elites and "big business" join forces with certain external actors in order to promote market integration and economic globalization, boost regimes, and to...

Bernadette Corporation

Reena Spaulings (Semiotext(e) / Native Agents)

Book DescriptionSet in post-9/11 New York City, Reena Spaulings was written by a large collective of writers and artists that bills itself as The Bernadette Corporation. Like most contemporary fiction, Reena Spaulings is about a female...

Frederick D. Aquino

Communities of Informed Judgment: Newman's Illative Sense and Accounts of Rationality

Book DescriptionIs Christian belief rationally acceptable? Must every Christian defend his or her beliefs with exhaustively logical arguments, or is belief solely a matter of faith rather than logical argument? In Communities of Informed Judgment,...

Brooke Horvath

Understanding Nelson Algren (Understanding Contemporary American Literature)

Book DescriptionUnderstanding Nelson Algren traces the career of a writer best known for his novels The Man with the Golden Arm and A Walk on the Wild Side. From Algren?s first short stories through his final fiction, the posthumously published...

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