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Govind P. Sreenivasan The Peasants of Ottobeuren, 1487-1726: A Rural Society in Early Modern Europe (PAST AND PRESENT PUBLICATIONS)
Focusing on the lands of the Benedictine monastery of Ottobeuren and based on a mass of archival data, this study presents a detailed reconstruction of peasant society in early modern Germany. It argues that the German rural economy performed much...
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Michael Turner After the Famine: Irish Agriculture, 1850-1914
After the Famine examines Irish agriculture in the wake of the disastrous famine of the 1840s. Michael Turner's detailed study is in three parts: he analyzes changing agricultural structures in terms of land use and peasant occupancy; he estimates...
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Zvi Griliches R&d and Productivity: The Econometric Evidence (National Bureau of Economic Research Monograph)
Zvi Griliches, a world-renowned pioneer in the field of productivity growth, has compiled in a single volume his pathbreaking research on R&D and productivity. Griliches addresses the relationship between research and development (R&D) and...
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William G. Gale, Janet Rothenberg Pack Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs
This new series serves as a forum for cutting-edge, accessible research on urban areas and issues. Designed to reach a wide audience of scholars and policymakers, each issue contains studies on urban sprawl, crime, taxes, education, poverty, and...
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John F. Marshall, Kenneth R. Kapner Understanding Swaps (Wiley Finance)
From plain vanilla swaps to swaptions to circus swaps?heres the most comprehensive, practical introduction to the global world of swaps Understanding Swaps Financial personnel, corporate treasurers and professional cash managers seeking a...
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