Carl A. Trocki

Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy: A Study of the Asian Opium Trade 1750-1950 (Asia's Transformations)

Up-to-date, easy to read, and wide-ranging, this is the first comprehensive academic work to explore the growth and development of the opium trade in relation to imperialism and a global economy. The book provocatively links the general expansion of...

Wallace C. Peterson

Silent Depression: The Fate of the American Dream

Peterson, economist and author of Transfer Spending, Taxes, and the American Welfare State , posits that America has been in the bitter grasp of an unrelenting, silent "depression" since 1973. This economic metamorphosis, a "serious and long-lasting...

Hilary Rosenberg

A Traitor to His Class: Robert A.G. Monks and the Battle to Change Corporate America

A fascinating biography of the visionary behind the shareholder activist movement "Bob Monks is a truly rare creature, not only a businessman turned political activist, which is rare enough, but an activist in and on behalf of business, which...

Saskia Sassen

Global Networks, Linked Cities

In her pioneering book The Global City, Saskia Sassen argued that certain cities in the postindustrial world have become central nodes in the new service economy, strategic sites for the acceleration of capital and information flows as well as...

Rolf Osterberg

Corporate Renaissance: Business as an Adventure in Human Development

In this radical book on business and work, Swedish businessman Rolf Osterberg argues that businesses have their priorities all wrong. Paradoxically, corporations also -- more than any other institution -- have the potential to act as an agent of...

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