T. W. Epps

Pricing Derivative Securities

The development of successful techniques for valuing derivative assets is among the most influential achievements of economic science. Pricing Derivative Securities presents the theory of financial derivatives in a way that emphasizes both its...

Course ILT: Call Center Management

An affordable, easily scannable one-day training guide designed for use in instructor-led training courses....

Ronald Moen, Thomas W Nolan, Lloyd P Provost

Quality Improvement Through Planned Experimentation

The methodology engineers need to plan and conduct experiments to quantify cause-and-effect mechanisms in complex systems Updated to include the latest in experiment design, this breakthrough resource offers a comprehensive framework for...

Brad Fregger

Get Things Done

From the evidence presented, Brad may be one of the world's top experts in how to "get things done," especially within the team environment. In this book he shares how he has been successful by presenting ten of his most important secrets for...

Robert Jackson, Paul Wang

Strategic Database Marketing

Rob Jackson and Paul Wang have swept aside the confusion that surrounds database technology and replaced it with the knowledge and competitive spirit it takes to create the kind of marketing system that will drive the growth of every successful...

<<<  Mark C. Scott. Reinspiring the Corporation : ...             У. Й. Уильямс. Дни Искупления >>>

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