Sanjiv Purba

New Directions in Internet Management

What is the business model for making money on the Internet and how does it function? The answer to this question will determine the shape of the Internet over the near term. As the Internet business model continues to evolve, so will Internet...

Janice Reynolds

Logistics & Fulfillment for E-Business : A Practical Guide to Mastering Back Office Functions for Online Commerce

Getting the Right Product to the Right Place at the Right Time Logistics and fulfillment management is unglamorous, complex and expensive, but it is one of the primary factors determining whether an e-business will be profitable. Many...

Robert B. Denhardt

The Pursuit of Significance : Strategies for Managerial Success in Public Organizations

Highly progressive public managers around the world are now departing from traditional management practices and making dramatic improvements in the quality and productivity of their organizations. The author examines the approaches and philosophies...

Alfredo Zingale, Matthias Arndt

New Economy Excellence Series, New Economy Emotion: Engaging Customer Passion with e-CRM

The aim of the series is a simple one - to help managers create and sustain competitive advantage in the Internet economy. The series pioneers a new generation of business books that take a step back from the evangelical hype surrounding the Web to...

Waddy Thompson

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Grant Writing (COMPLETE IDIOT'S GUIDE TO)

The best way to get the cash. With this comprehensive guide, individuals as well as grant seekers for companies/organizations will learn each step of the grant writing process, including how to: determine who can receive a grant and for...

<<<  Diane Swonk, Diane Swonk. The Passionate Economist: Finding ...             У. Й. Уильямс. Дни Искупления >>>

Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.

Ross Campbell. Wet Moon Volume 1: Feeble Wanderings Автомобильный портал Рейтинг Александр Самоваров. Останутся ли в России русские? Крах или триумф TOPPLAN. Москва 2007. В программе "TopPlan Москва" использована новейшая Н. Л. Лейдерман, М. Н. Липовецкий. Современная русская литература. Топ майл.ру В. А. Брынцев. Филлотаксис С. Н. Косарев, В. А. Яметов, С. Н. Волгин, П. Л. Козлов. Руководство по эксплуатации, Работа Автомобильный портал Рефераты Почта Ливе Joshua Mostafa. Essential Computers: Letters & Mailing М. А. Булгаков. Собачье сердце. 7-8 классы. Издание Конференция Ronald J. Burke, Cary L. Cooper. The Organization C. A. E. Goodhart, Gerhard Illing, Charles Goodhart.
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