Martin M. Shenkman

Inherit More

Bestselling author and estate-planning expert Martin Shenkman helps you INHERIT MORE Elderly parents and benefactors need your help, and helping them can also preserve the largest financial windfall of your life?an inheritance. Finally,...

Erik Pace Birkholz, Brian Kenyon, Steven Andre

Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network Infrastructure

Security Sage's Guide to Hardening the Network Infrastructure will be the only publication that provides security and Information Technology (IT) professionals an in-depth and comprehensive view of network devices, protocols and architectures. It...

Jennifer Fulton

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Upgrading and Repairing PCs (5th Edition)

A reference based title written in an approachable first person point of view. This book teaches a reader how to upgrade his PC peripherals to increase productivity on his PC without intimidating or offending him. Straight-forward conversational...

Gheorghe Paun

Membrane Computing

Like quantum computing or DNA computing, membrane computing is an unconventional model of computation associated with a new computing paradigm. The field of membrane computing was initiated in 1998 by the author of this book; it is a branch of...

Fritz Onion

Essential ASP.NET With Examples in C#

The Microsoft .NET Framework is exactly what its name implies: A general system onto which a lot of application-specific technologies are stuck. Essential ASP.NET With Examples in C# assumes you know something about the .NET way of doing...

<<<  John De LA Mothe, Gilles Paquet. Local and ...             У. Й. Уильямс. Дни Искупления >>>

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