Астахов Я.

Черные врата

«Есть грозное и величественное предание, которое хранит Церковь, - сообщает издатель. - Если на Гроб Господень в Иерусалиме на праздник Пасхи сходит Небесный Огонь - мир сей простоит еще, по крайней мере, текущий год... Однажды нисхождения Огня не...


Book Description Santini is a photographer at the height of his craft. Originally from the UK, but now based in New York, he has built a reputation for versatility, effortlessly moving between music, fashion, editorial and advertising. This book...

Chris Colverson

The Zebedee Boy

Book Description The Zebedee Boy is a fictional memoir of ?the beloved disciple?. John Zebedee, fisherman of Galilee and follower of Jesus of Nazareth, writes 12 years after the crucifixion, preserving his memories for the...

John de Lancie

Star Trek: The Next Generation: I,Q

Book Description Q has been everywhere and done everything, but now he's in for a cosmic thrillride beyond even his own astonishingly unlimited imagination. The Maelstrom, a metaphysical whirlpool of apocalyptic proportions, is pulling all of...

Rabun Taylor

Roman Builders : A Study in Architectural Process

Book DescriptionHow architectural ideas behind great Roman building projects were carried out in practice....

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