Владимир Тарасов

Технология жизни. Книга для героев

Эта книга о жизни, о том даре, которым мы распоряжаемся по-разному. Она адресована всем живущим в этом мире сейчас и тем, кто будет жить через тысячу лет. Но есть особая категория людей, для которых она предназначена в первую очередь. Это книга для...

Craig Muller

Oh Behave!: Reinforcing Successful Behaviors at Work and Home with Consequenses

This guide to motivational techniques explains how to take the tools of professional performance improvement experts and apply them in both life and work. Drawing on lessons from traditional catalog-based consumer incentive programs as well as...

Rob Johnston, The Drucker Foundation, Frances Hesselbein, Rob Johnston

On Leading Change: A Leader to Leader Guide

On Leading Change features the best thinking from top experts on strategies for change, sustaining growth, and leading transition. Written in a concise style that is ideal for the busy executive with little time to read, the book highlights a...

Gerard Dumenil, Dominique Levy, Derek Jeffers

Capital Resurgent: Roots of the Neoliberal Revolution

The advent of economic neoliberalism in the 1980s triggered a shift in the world economy. In the three decades following World War II, now considered a golden age of capitalism, economic growth was high and income inequality decreasing. But in...

M. A. Adelman

Genie Out of the Bottle: World Oil since 1970

Pictures of oil as the glittering prize, the source of global power and empires, or the hub of an energy crisis have gushed through the media since 1973. What actually happened was very different. M. A. Adelman had written in 1970 that "the genie is...

<<<  В. Польская, Б. Польской. Лечение болезней ...             Bruce Cohen, Brian FitzGerald. The Pension Puzzle : ... >>>

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