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Paul Boreham, Geoff Dow, Martin Leet Room to Manoeuvre: Political Aspects of Full Employment
Room to Manoeuvre offers a unique research-based critique of contemporary Australian politics, strongly advocating a greater role for government and public processes generally in economic management. Boreham, Dow and Leet have developed a...
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Amartya Sen, Amartya Kumar Sen Choice, Welfare and Measurement
In the course of his distinguished career, Amartya K. Sen has scrutinized the foundations of economic theory and analysis. He has brought into sharper focus such concepts as choice, preference, rationality, aggregation, evaluation, and measurement,...
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Yury Boshyk Business Driven Action Learning: Global Best Practices
Business-driven action learning addresses the need for more creative and accountable approaches to learning and earning demanded by the pace of change in business life. This volume shows how it is accomplished through detailed descriptions of how...
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G. Bennett Stewart The Quest for Value
In this bestselling classic of financial management, G. Bennett Stewart, III, raises and answers these provocative questions: Do dividends matter? Are earnings per share really accurate measures of corporate performance? What...
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Lorin Woolfe The Bible on Leadership: From Moses to Matthew-Management Lessons for Contemporary Leaders
Millions have been inspired by the Bible's spiritual lessons. Now, Lorin Woolfe provides a unique way to view the Bible . . . for leadership lessons that can be applied to our modern business world. Consider David's courage and...
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