Amy Blitz

The Contested State

From a scholar's first-hand account of the fall of Marcos comes "The Contested State," an inquiry into the international causes and consequences of civil war, the different types of regimes that emerge from such conflict, and the implications for...

Michael Redclift

Sustainable Development: Exploring the Contradictions

Argues that environmental problems need to be looked at internationally, in terms of the global economic system, and that the degradation of the environment is not 'natural', but an historical process linked to economics and politics....

Joel G. Siegel, Jae K. Shim, Anique Ahmed Qureshi, Anthony Gambin

The Manager's Handbook to Preparing and Using Financial Reports

This essential how-to handbook is a valuable reference guide that can be used to improve profitability, financial status, performance, productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, cooperation, coordination and the management information system. More...

Kenneth Froot

The Financing of Catastrophe Risk (National Bureau of Economic Research Project Report)

Is it possible that the insurance and reinsurance industries cannot handle a major catastrophe? Ten years ago, the notion that the overall cost of a single catastrophic event might exceed $10 billion was unthinkable. With ever increasing...

Karren Lee Siluer, Marc Phillips, Karren Lee Silver

Chi Chi in Cyberspace: The E-Mailing Chihuahuas Chichi McN.Org

More Than A Book! For reading and developing computer skills. A timely children's book for ages 6 and up about the e-mail letters between two Chihuahua puppies growing up. Accompanied by an educational and fun website related to character and events...

<<<  Валерий Фаронов. Система программирования Delphi (+ CD)             Bruce Cohen, Brian FitzGerald. The Pension Puzzle : ... >>>

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