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O. C. Ferrell Marketing Strategy
Book Description Marketing Strategy is presented from a perspective that guides strategic marketing management in the social, economic, and technological arenas in which businesses function today. This text helps to develop a customer-oriented...
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Harriet Hankin The New Workforce: Five Sweeping Trends That Will Shape Your Company's Future
Book DescriptionDramatic trends are already in motion that will force organizations to do some major rethinking about their relationships with their employees. The New Workforce outlines five of these crucial developments, and describes how...
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Le Book Le Book New York 2005
Book DescriptionThe bible for the fashion and advertising industries, Le Book is an international key to the creative world, an up-to-the-minute guide to more than 10,000 professionals from the best photographers, art directors, stylists, and...
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Сергей Лукьяненко Последний Дозор
Новые приключения Антона Городецкого! Новые дела Ночного Дозора! Новая встреча с любимыми персонажами! Новый роман фантаста номер один нашей страны! ...
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Nnedi Okorafor-Mbachu Zahrah the Windseeker
Book DescriptionIn the northern Ooni Kingdom, fear of the unknown runs deep, and children born dada are rumored to have special powers. Thirteen-year-old Zahrah Tsami feels like a normal girl—she grows her own flora computer, has mirrors sewn...
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Поиск книг в интернет магазинах.
Домой Роб Джонс, Дэн Мерфи. Оздоровление розничной торговли.
Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor. Cutting Edge. Upper Intermediate.
О компьютерах
Marilyn L. Kourilsky, William Walstad. The E Generation
Альфредо Конде. Синий кобальт. Возможная история
Moskau. Альбом. Иллюстрированный альбом на немецком языке. Москва... Само
Русское радио
Дональд Клэйтон Портер. Белый индеец
Поиск людей
Жизнь Иисуса Христа (книга-складень). Книга состоит из
Из рук в руки
Томас Тимайер. Медуза
Jonathan Swift. Gulliver's Travels
Н. В. Абрамова. Розничная торговля: учет и налоги
Андрей Кивинов. Предел прочности
И. Г. Сапего. Предмет и форма
Giuliano Carmignola, Venice Baroque Orch. Vivaldi: Le Quattro Stagioni and Three