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Mark Hirschey Tech Stock Valuation : Investor Psychology and Economic Analysis
Book DescriptionThe contribution of research and development to a company's market value has grown considerably in recent years. In the mid-1970s, accountants were able to capture on their ledgers 90-95% of a firm's book value, but by 2000 the...
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Garber Peter Learning Points: 100 Activities and Actions for E-Communications Excellence
Book DescriptionLearning Points: 100 Actions and Activities for E-Communications Excellence Today?s information age presents new and bewildering communication challenges for both organizations and employees. Unfortunately, there is no...
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Тадеуш Ружевич Грех
Тадеуш Ружевич - особое явление в современной польской литературе, ее гордость и става. Едва ли не в каждом его произведении, независимо от жанра, сочетаются вещи, казалось бы, плохо сочетаемые: нарочитая обыденность стиля и экспериментаторство,...
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Martin Esslin The Theatre of the Absurd
In 1953, Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot premiered at a tiny avant-garde theatre in Paris; within five years, it had been translated into more than twenty languages and seen by more than a million spectators. Its startling...
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Ann Liberman Governors' Mansions of the Midwest
Book DescriptionIn Governors' Mansions of the Midwest, Ann Liberman explores the history of twelve prominent mansions in the Midwest-Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and...
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