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Kris Parker Ruminations
Book DescriptionOne of the most influential lyricists of all time --Rollingstone.com...
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Rolf Giesen Nazi Propaganda Films: A History and Filmography
Book DescriptionHitler and the Nazis saturated their country with many types of propaganda to convince the German citizenry that the Nazi ideology was the only ideology. As Joseph Goebbels, who was in charge of propaganda for Nazi Germany,...
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RoseMarie London The Search for an Inappropriate Man : Stories
Book Description Ever get shot by accident in a Wyoming bar? Pay for two-hundred-dollars worth of organic groceries for a Scientologist with situational ethics who used to be your boyfriend? Waited out a freak hail storm between two ornery horses...
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Marcia Thornton Bailey School Kids #49 (Bailey School Kids)
Book Description There are some pretty weird grown-ups living in Bailey City. But could the presidential candidate visiting town really be . . . a werewolf? The Bailey School kids are going to find out! ...
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Э. М. Кравченя, Т. И. Абрагимович Компьютерная графика
Рассмотрены основы компьютерной графики, инструменты и функции популярных графических редакторов Adobe Photoshop 8.0 и CorelDRAW 11.0. Особое внимание уделено формированию практических навыков по обработке графической информации....
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Alice Mattison. In Case We're Separated : Connected Stories
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