Jim Lamar, Pam Murphy

Quality Management in a Wellness Program

Finally, the best practices from the Quality field have been united with the best practices from the Wellness field. Wellness programs are designed to create a healthier workforce. A healthier workforce will exhibit less absenteeism, lower injury...

Janet C. Gornick, Marcia K. Meyers

Families That Work: Policies for Reconciling Parenthood and Employment

Parents around the world grapple with the common challenge of balancing work and childcare. Despite common problems, the advanced, industrialized nations have developed dramatically different social and labor market policies?policies that vary...

J. Davidson Frame, J. Davidson Frame

Project Management Competence: Building Key Skills for Individuals, Teams, and Organizations

This is the first book to promote project management competence on all three levels necessary for overall effectiveness. J. Davidson Frame uses the guidelines he helped develop for the renowned Project Management Institute to define the most...

Kenneth Cloke

Thank God It's Monday!: 14 Values We Need to Humanize the Way We Work

Can you imagine how rewarding it would be, each day, to truly enjoy going to work? Most people spend the better part of their waking hours in jobs they do not enjoy. The happiest, most productive employees are those who have either found a job they...

Ron Kenett, Shelemyahu Zacks

Modern Industrial Statistics: The Design and Control of Quality and Reliability

With its full integration of MINITAB and S-PLUS throughout, this book presents the most modern methods available in industrial statistics today. The authors show how to utilize the computer as an indespensible tool in solving statistical problems...

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Рейтинг Nancy Lewis. Easy Office 2003 Статистика Транслит Стаут. Оживший покойник Александр Медведь, Дмитрий Хазанов. "Юнкерс" Ju 87. Пикирующий бомбардировщик Виртуальные открытки Счетчик Поиск работы Вики Н. В. Абрамова. Розничная торговля: учет и налоги Т. Я. Андрющенко. Немецкий язык. Начальный этап Гогле Гого Л. М. Козырева. Развитие речи и памяти. Развивающие задания для логопедических Конференция iXBT.com
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