Ronald R. Sims

Teaching Business Ethics for Effective Learning

The key to teaching business ethics successfully, says Sims, is to start with clear goals and a sensible expectation of outcomes, and with a true knowledge and appreciation of how people actually learn. Proceeding with the conviction that open...

Robert L. Boylestad

Introductory Circuit Analysis (10th Edition)

THE most widely acclaimed introduction to circuit analysis for more than three decades. Features exceptionally clear explanations and descriptions, step-by-step examples, more than 50 practical applications, over 2000 easy-to-challenging...

Richard Minns

The Cold War in Welfare: Stock Markets versus Pensions

A new Cold War has developed between competing blocs of countries over the role of financial markets versus the state in the provision of pensions and the financing of the economy generally. An Anglo-American bloc, which has spread into South...

J. Richardson

European Union: Power and Policy-making (European Public Policy)

Written by some of the leading authorities in the field, this new edition has been significantly improved to provide students with even more authoritative and comprehensive coverage of how European Union policy is made....

Martha Hahn Sugar

When Mothers Work, Who Pays?:

This book is a comprehensive look at the results of a study, done under the auspices of Kent State University, that explored the attitudes, beliefs, and life orientation of 253 women between the ages of 25 and 45. Depending upon the amount of...

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