Rosa Perez-Koenig, Barry Rock

Social Work in the Era of Devolution: Toward a Just Practice

While economic indicators in recent years have shown an unprecedented level of prosperity, social indicators tell a different story: growing economic disparity, increasing numbers of Americans lacking health insurance, increased levels of poverty...

Stefan Voigt

Constitutional Political Economy (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics, 166)

This authoritative new collection includes the most important published articles on the normative and positive branches of constitutional political economy. It contains sections on the ideas and concepts of constitutions, on the process of...

Benjamin M. Compaine, William H. Read

The Information Resources Policy Handbook: Reserach for the Information Age

foreword by William O. Baker To understand the Information Age one must understand the concept of information as a resource. Like other basic resources such as energy and materials, information resources are building blocks of society. But...

Jolyon E. Hallows

The Project Management Office Toolkit

Formal project management is no longer limited to big companies. Even small firms are looking for ways to organize and control the flood of details that make up the average project. At the same time, they're realizing that such efforts need...

John F. Lescher

Online Market Research: Cost-Effective Searching of the Internet and Online Databases

Out there on the Internet is a wealth of information about your target customers--information that will let you focus on your market and your business more profitably. Online Market Research is a valuable collection of this data, and you...

<<<  Gordon MacKenzie. Orbiting the Giant Hairball: A Corporate ...             Р. В. Крюков. Наследственное право >>>

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