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Richard Whittingham Boy Wonder of Wall Street : The Life and Times of Financier Eddie Gilbert
Book Description Ever oscillating between absolute triumph and failure, the volatile life of the acrobatic financial genius Eddie Gilbert is a drama bordering on Shakespearean proportions. Jailed two times and on his way to making his third fortune,...
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Morningstar Stocks 500 (Morningstar Stocks 500)
Book DescriptionA handy reference to the top 500 stocks in the market Morningstar Stocks 500 provides readers with comprehensive one-page reports that contain the essential information investors need to understand a company and its stock....
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Thomas Puttfarken Titian and Tragic Painting : Aristotle's "Poetics" and the Rise of the Modern Artist
Book Description Late in his life Titian created a series of paintings—the “Four Sinners,” the “ poesie” for his patron Philip II of Spain, and the “Final Tragedies”—that were dark in tone...
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Jeffrey Testin T'Top
Book DescriptionThings couldn't be better for Tom Topeki, the world's leading expert on the long-extinct triceratops. He is happily married to Sarah, whos beauty is surpassed only by her passion for "digging for dinosaurs," and together they are...
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Carrie Bender Beechwood Acres (Joy's Journal, No. 2)
Book DescriptionAmish Kermit and Joy move to Beechwood Acres only to discover that someone is living in an old abandoned range shelter on their property. Then there is the visit from Joy's great-grandmother who brought an old journal written by her...
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