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Sijbren Cnossen, Hans-Werner Sinn Public Finance and Public Policy in the New Century (Cesifo Seminar Series)
The sixteen essays in this book were written to celebrate the ninetieth birthday of Richard Musgrave and to commemorate the tenth anniversary of CES, the Center for Economic Studies at the University of Munich. Musgrave is considered to be a...
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Frank Hahn Money and Inflation
On the basis of theoretical considerations and on the evidence of real-world economies, Frank Hahn demonstrates in unequivocal terms that Monetarism offers an implausible solution to the most pervasive economic problems....
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Jay A. Conger, Gretchen M. Spreitzer, Edward E. Lawler The Leader's Change Handbook : An Essential Guide to Setting Direction and Taking Action (Jossey-Bass Business & Management Series)
A Stunning Achievement in Change Management In October of 1997, the nation's top business theorists and practitioners met at a conference cosponsored by USC's Leadership Institute and the Center for Effective Organizations. The group was...
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Anne McKinney Real Resumes for Police, Law Enforcement and Security Jobs: Including Real Resumes Used to Change Careers and Transfer Skills to Other Industries)
Title shows resumes and cover letters of people who wish to enter the police, law enforcement, and security fields. The most effective job hunting strategies are revealed, and there is also a section which shows how to transfer police, law...
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Laura Westra, John Lemons Perspectives on Ecological Integrity (Environmental Science and Technology Library, Vol 5)
Concepts of ecological integrity have recently been proposed to facilitate enhanced protection of biological and ecological resources against the threat of human activities. The promotion of ecological integrity as a basis for public policy and...
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