History of Economic Thought: A Reader

Book DescriptionThis new reader in the history of economic thought is edited by two of the most respected figures in the field. With clearly written summaries putting each selection into context and useful questions for discussion, this book will be...

Tsjeard Bouta

Gender, Conflict, And Development

Book DescriptionGender, Conflict, and Development was written as an effort to fill a gap between the Bank?s work on gender mainstreaming and its agenda in conflict and development. The authors identify a link between gender and conflict issues...

Cyril Tourneur

Three Revenge Tragedies : The Revenger's Tragedy; The White Devil; The Changeling (Penguin Classics)

Book Description Following Queen Elizabeth I?s reign, the new court of King James was beset by political instability and moral corruption. This atmosphere provided fertile ground for the dramatists of the age, who explored the ways in which...

Braun & Schneider's Historic Costume CD-ROM and Book

Book Description All 500 handsome, authentically detailed illustrations--each one containing several figures--from Braun and Schneider's monumental pictorial survey of historic costumes that has been a Dover bestseller for decades. The time span...

Frederick G. Vogel

Hollywood Musicals Nominated for Best Picture

Book DescriptionOnly one year after the presentation of the first Academy Awards on May 16, 1929, two musicals? The Broadway Melody and The Hollywood Revue ?joined the select group of five films nominated for Best Picture of...

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